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A Missouri Morning

I can't just take a normal picture... it's not even possible. Over the weekend, we took a family getaway to the town of Hermann, MO. It's a quaint little place built around making it convenient to drink assloads of wine. I could go off an endless rant about how obnoxious these people are after their first bottle's worth of wine, but hey, I'm pretty obnoxious without the wine... so let's not compare.

I woke up Sunday morning to find that a fog had descended over the town, and unlike your average person, I get thrilled beyond belief about fog. I LOVE it.

So I grabbed my camera and headed out to grab some shots of the town, and as I quickly realized, no one is awake at 7:30am in Hermann. Not a single soul. I was able to trot out into the middle of the road and snap shot after shot without any concern whatsoever of being hit by a car. It was surreal, to say the least. I suppose it's fitting, then, that every single shot I came back with was a surreal look at the town.

This shot in particular was one of my favorites, with the sun fighting hard to break through the fog. I did some work on the raw image to give it the yellow tint, but not much exaggeration was required to create the unsettling feeling this scene puts off. I dig it. As soon as I get enough time, I will do a beginner's tutorial on fun with the photoshop raw filter and show you some of the tricks I like to use. It's more exciting than it sounds, I promise.

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